Raise awereness and act to protect the ocean

OceaSciences, it is 5 young french sailing, nature and sciences enthusiasts willing to make
a difference and protect the ocean
What are OceaSciences and the ExploraGyre project?

Environmental protection has become a key issue for human society. Marine ecosystems are particularly endangered: while essential for our Blue Planet, they get more and more polluted. As young scientists and engineers, we have to face this reality and act against it. Thus, we created OceaSciences, our association, bearing the ExploraGyre project. The latter is a one-year scientific and ecological adventure aboard a sailing boat. Our enemy is microplastic debris. This sea poison, without any antidote so far, is mainly localized in the gyre center, a large circular marine current. Our aim is to bring new and necessary knowledge about marine plastic pollution and to share them with as many people as possible. Welcome to our website, please explore it and share with us on social networks.

Credit: Nina Prasil-Delaval
13/12/2017 - Trensistor Webradio: First radio show on Oceasciences
Oceasciences is proud to have been for the first time the guest of a webradio. Trensistor, ENS' webradio has welcome the organisation to talk about ExploraGyre.
The organisation has been talking about the whole project, and especially the main differences with the other expeditions studying plastics.
The partnership and the drawback awaited have also been discussed.
Unfortunately the whole show is in french but if you have questions about it or feedbacks, let us know !